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Advisory services for
energy, climate, and water

High-impact sustainability initiatives can be complicated.
We can help you take ambitious steps with confidence.

Let's find the best path to your climate and water goals

CustomerFirst Renewables is a global climate adviser dedicated to helping our clients navigate unique complexities and take ambitious steps on their climate journey.

Deep Market Insight

New frontiers call for an experienced guide. Our experts offer a detailed and clear-eyed assessment of the renewable energy market and other climate and water technology options.

Analysis & Strategy

Your business is unique. We will help you choose the carbon-cutting, water-saving projects that are best for your economics and business model. 

Change Management

It takes the whole business to change a business. We develop an effective change management plan for every client, leaving no internal stakeholder behind.

Start-to-Finish Support

We build lasting relationships with our clients. We are ready to support every milestone, from strategy to implementation and beyond.

Since 2010, we have served 60+ large organizations across a variety of industries, sectors, and global geographies. 

Featured Clients

A Dedicated Team

We are experienced industry experts who thrive on solving big, complex problems and achieving the unexpected for our clients. What keeps us motivated? The chance to build a cleaner, more resilient economy for present and future generations.

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Download our free guide

Learn how to get your organization ready for successfully switching to renewable energy and cutting scope 2 emissions. This guide outlines five steps to take before signing a renewable energy contract to ensure optimal social, environmental, and economic benefits.

Priming Your Organization for Renewable Energy Success.PNG

How can we help?

Please use this form to contact us about our advisory services.

We are happy to discuss your needs and explore ways CustomerFirst Renewables can help you move faster towards your goals. 

A member of our sales team will be in touch within 24 hours.

Karra Marino,
VP of Business Development
Chris O'Brien, Director of Business Development Zarminey Zia, Manager of Business Development