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Advisory services for decarbonization
and water resiliency

Cost effective strategies for cutting emissions and saving water at a commercial scale require leading market know-how. We give clients the objective advice they need to make smart, high-impact moves.

Since 2010, we have served 60+ large organizations across a variety of industries, sectors, and global geographies. 

Featured Clients

The CustomerFirst Difference

We take a unique approach to helping clients find the best path to their climate and water goals.

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  • Deep Market Insight

    New frontiers call for an experienced guide. Our experts offer a detailed and clear-eyed assessment of all your climate and water technology options.

  • Tailored Strategies

    Your business is unique. We will help you choose the carbon-cutting, water-saving projects that are best for your economics and business model. 

  • Change Management

    It takes the whole business to change a business. We develop an effective change management plan for every client, leaving no internal stakeholder behind.

  • Objective Advice

    CFR has strong and productive relationships with developers and other market players, but is and will always be a completely objective advocate for our clients.

  • Dedicated Teams

    Every CFR client is assigned a dedicated team of advisers, providing the time and attention needed to get complex projects across the finish line.

  • Start-to-Finish Support

    We build lasting relationships with our clients. We are ready to support every milestone, from strategy to procurement and beyond.

Partnerships in Action

"CFR has provided industry-leading expertise and innovative and adaptive solutions to meet our evolving needs. They have demonstrated their client-focused mindset throughout every encounter. CFR’s dedication matched the province's dedication to meeting its renewable energy targets."

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David Miller, Director of Clean Energy, Natural Resources and Renewables, Government of Nova Scotia

"At CFR, we love breaking new ground with our clients. We carefully assess their unique circumstances and social, environmental, and economic goals, and then we work together to find the best way to make those goals a reality."

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John Izevbigie, Engagement Manager, CustomerFirst Renewables

Our Approach

CustomerFirst Renewables can provide start-to-finish support on your toughest renewable energy, climate, or water projects—or we can jump in when you need us. We are ready to make every step in your journey a success.



CFR's advisers use thoughtful analysis and deep client engagement to find the best path forward for each unique business. This stage includes:

  • Assessment of existing energy use, climate impact, water resiliency, and any future targets
  • Substantive dialogue with all internal decisions-makers across departments to enable education and decision-making
  • Evaluation of all possible solutions and contract types to determine the best pathway to your organizational goals

  • Setting goals and objectives with buy-in from leadership

  • Identifying opportunities for optimization and energy conservation.

Output: A strategy that has leadership's buy-in and is optimized for success



CFR will ensure every detail of a client's strategy is implemented on the best terms possible for the client. This stage includes:

  • Specifying project type and evaluation criteria
  • Facilitating competitive sourcing, which may entail issuing a custom RFP, followed by an initial economic analysis, resulting in a short list of projects and/or developers
  • Deep due diligence and risk analysis on shortlisted projects and/or developers, with CFR recommendation on best fit

  • Detailed briefings and facilitated dialogue with internal decision-makers to gain consensus on path forward

  • Contract negotiation and execution with chosen project developer

  • Communications and operations planning

Output: A successfully implemented initiative that moves the client towards their goals.


Management and Optimization

CFR will stay engaged with you and your project to ensure it is optimally managed and delivering high returns. This stage includes:

  • Project performance management
  • Tracking of contractual covenants and terms
  • Registration and tracking of environmental attributes (such as Renewable Energy Credits)

  • Ongoing review process

Output: Optimal project and energy portfolio performance

Our Service Lines

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Clean Energy

In 2020, CFR facilitated 10% of the total renewable energy megawatts procured by large commercial and industrial customers across the U.S. We have structured and implemented transactions across all renewable energy contract types, including power purchase agreements, utility agreements, retail-delivered solutions, onsite solar, and community solar. CFR can help your organization determine and fulfill the best RE contracts to meet your energy goals.

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Reaching a net-zero or science-based emissions target requires companies to go much further than the switch to renewable energy. Corporates and large organizations are now expected to eliminate all forms of greenhouse gas emissions across their value chain. CFR can help your organization meet your climate targets by exploring and prioritizing a variety of proven climate solutions.

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All facilities depend on an affordable, reliable supply of water for critical sanitation and cooling systems. Water comes in direct contact with over $750 million in real assets for an average facility. Achieving water resiliency means achieving an affordable, reliable water supply despite a changing climate and growing operations. CFR can help your organization evaluate and choose the best water management systems for your operations.

What Drives Us

Our diverse and talented team of advisers at CustomerFirst Renewables work with purpose:
to be catalysts for bold climate action.  


Let's talk about your goals

Tells us about your needs and we will share ways CustomerFirst Renewables can help you move faster towards your organization's energy, climate, and water goals. 

A member of our business development team will be in touch within 24 hours.

Karra Marino,
VP of Business Development
Chris O'Brien, Director of Business Development Zarminey Zia, Manager of Business Development