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Corporate Water Resiliency

CustomerFirst Renewables can help your organization achieve water resiliency by finding the best portfolio of water management technologies for your operations.

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Importance of Water Resiliency

Organizations depend on an affordable, reliable supply of water for functions beyond potable demand: critical process, cooling, and heating. For an average facility, water comes into contact with over $750 million in real assets, making it an integral utility for operations. Yet many organizations do not have N+1 redundancy for their water supply, leaving them exposed to growing risks such as:

  • Resiliency & business risk: Aging infrastructure, flooding, drought, and capacity limitations can impede water supply and, by extension, facility operations.
  • Cost volatility: Water and sewer are the fastest growing utility costs.
  • Sustainability & climate: Visibility of water is increasing in ESG reporting and many facilities are starting to feel to effects of climate risks.

Achieving water resiliency means addressing these risks to attain a cost-effective, dependable water supply by using and reusing water in a truly sustainable way. Organizations that invest in water resiliency are investing in more stable and future-proof operations.

Water Resiliency Advisory Services

CFR helps clients assess water risks and identify highest vulnerabilities. Based on extensive stakeholder engagement, we lead clients to implement selected water resiliency solutions that can increase redundancy and business continuity, address environmental concerns, and generate savings while hedging against price volatility. These solutions span technologies and are tailored to client needs to deliver safe, reliable, clean water.

Using our team’s decades of industry experience executing water solutions across diverse organizations and facilities, CFR works solely on behalf of clients to provide unbiased analysis and guidance that leverages competitive forces to benefit impact-driven institutions and corporations. Our team’s customer base spans industrial manufacturers, universities, hospitals, and government agencies.

Facilities that pursue water resiliency solutions can expect to achieve:

  • 30-60% reduction in potable water use
  • 50-100% reduction in waste or storm water discharged
  • 50-100% utility water redundancy
  • Cost savings
  • Beneficial public relations
  • Fulfilled sustainability targets
CFR’s thoughtful assessment of risks and solutions compliments any organization’s commitment to invest in and implement resiliency.


CFR remains solution and vendor agnostic, ensuring solutions are fit for purpose, rigorously vetted, and financially sound for our clients. Utility and process water solutions can leverage the “Water as a Service” (no capital outlay, 3rd party financing) or be financed directly by the client. Regardless, most organizations use these solutions to target end uses for significant reductions in potable water demands.

CFR’s clients traditionally seek independent, end-to-end advisory services on:


  • Water balance / foot printing (including a comprehensive metering strategy & dynamic dashboarding)
  • Opportunities for improvement
  • Goal setting / benchmarking
  • Change management support to focus organizational priorities


  • Conservation opportunities
  • Utility water & process optimization

Competitively sourced solutions

  • Enhanced metering
  • Thermal recovery
  • Water treatment solicitations
  • Storm water reuse
  • Wastewater reuse 


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Contact us

Please use this form to contact us about our advisory services.

We are happy to discuss your needs and explore ways CustomerFirst Renewables can help you move faster towards your goals. 

A member of our sales team will be in touch within 24 hours.

Karra Marino,
VP of Business Development
Chris O'Brien, Director of Business Development Zarminey Zia, Manager of Business Development